The Reggie’s World Wiki

Sphinxopolis (or Sphynxopolis) is the capital of Bingustan, the previous governor was Arkansaw Kruchea but replaced with Governor Vladimir Soggin after the Bingustani Revolution. After said revoltuion Sphynxopolis became a hot spot for tourists.



Sphynxopolis, previously called Soggipolis was constructed around 1803 in the Second Caliphate. It was severely destroyed in the Great Floppa War but reconstructed in 1919.

In 1939 a Flopman uprising happened, it was quickly stopped by the Soggastani Police, however that sparked conflicts between the Flopmans and Soggastanis. That conflict ended though with the Flopman Empire losing.

In 2010 after the forming of Bingustan Soggipolis was renamed to Sphynxopolis and the Bingustani National Mansion (Bingustanian: Национальный особняк Бингустани) was built, also Bingus Bar, the most famous bar in BIngustan was built.

In 2029 after the Bingustani Revolution Sphynxopolis became a different place. The Bingustani National Mansion was repurposed to an office for politicians instead of the house of the leader.


  • Flepbiner is famous across Sphynxopolis